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Join A Committee

Brighton Chamber members are encouraged to join a committee and make a difference in your community while you make valuable contacts with other business owners. With dedicated Chairs serving in a leadership capacity, each one does important work in support of the strategic mission of the Chamber. Participation is a great way to broaden your network of contacts and learn about issues that impact you.

Networking Committee - The Networking Committee plans monthly networking events at venues that will likely draw, develop a structured networking activity at each one & market to our membership regularly. This committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30am unless changed by the Chair.

Chair: Courtney Schutt
Michael Tullio, Dennis Shew

Shop Brighton: This committee works to develop and promote a plan for Brighton retailers to work together to increase business for all and encourage Brighton businesses to join our Shop Brighton Program to promote year-round business activity.

Chair: OPEN

Homecoming Committee - The Brighton Chamber of Commerce Homecoming Committee's purpose is to: Give businesses an annual opportunity to promote their business directly to Brighton community members outside of their normal business operation in a fun, informal way; Create an opportunity for businesses to network with each other; Host a large, well publicized, highly visible, fun community based event; Celebrate BCSD's students, faculty, administration and high quality education. Work in partnership with BCSD and the Town of Brighton and promote the BCC to the general public.

Chair: Michael Tullio
Members: Dr. Clark Hadley

Ribbon Cutting Committee - The Ribbon Cutting Committee will identify businesses (new business, change of ownership, remodel, re-opening or other special event) that can benefit from a ribbon cutting and help them to facilitate the event and promote the event to Chamber membership.

Chair: Mike Tullio
Members: Michael King, Randy Naughton, Dennis Behr

Annual Events Committee - The mission of the Special Events Committee is to support the Brighton Chamber of Commerce and to plan & promote special Brighton Chamber events. Special events include the Annual Membership Meeting (suggest venue and keynote speaker to the Board of Directors) and the Annual Spring Awards Lunch (suggest venue, keynote speaker, award nominees and order award plaques).

Chair: Dennis Shew

Membership Committee - The Membership Committee reviews and recommends strategies, procedures, and best practices for the recruitment and retention of Chamber members and serve as a resource for member questions and concerns. Coordinate activities with the Ambassador Committee Chairperson when appropriate. Tasks include New member welcome action plan and contacting members to encourage membership renewal.

Chair: Theresa Oschmann
Tommy Plantone, Chris Coleman, Zelda Reed, Dennis Behr

Expert Edge Committee - The Expert Edge Committee solicits and reviews proposals for seminars and schedules approved proposals. The goal of this committee is to present seminars that include specific marketing and business management ideas that will help attendees grow their business.

Chair: Cynthia Ely

Annual Charity Golf Committee

Chair: Clark Hadley
Members: Christina Breen-Hale, Amanda Colon, Dennis Shew, Michaela Neer, Nicole Vosburgh, Thera S. Blasio, Theresa Oschmann

Please click here to join a committee.